Home / Mass-Media / Events / A former mayor of Brăviceni village and the chief accountant of the City Hall, investigated by the NAC and the AP for the abuse of office by causing damage of over 6 million lei to the local authority
A former mayor of Brăviceni village and the chief accountant of the City Hall, investigated by the NAC and the AP for the abuse of office by causing damage of over 6 million lei to the local authority
The National Anti-corruption Centre (NAC) jointly with the Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office (AP) have announced the conduct of several searches in Brăviceni, Orhei district and Chisinau municipality, in a case of abuse of office. The criminal investigation actions are taking place at a former mayor of the locality and the chief accountant of the local public authority, both of whom are suspected of damaging the state budget intended for the “European Village” program, by over 6,000,000 lei.
According to the materials administered, public figures and dignitaries from the Brăviceni Village Hall, Orhei district, organized the public procurement procedure for the purchase of works for the "Land Development of the Brăviceni Rural Park", erroneously indicating the estimated value of the contract, abusively modifying the bid evaluation criterion, and as a result favouring a certain economic agent. Further, in the process of implementing the concluded construction contract, public figures from the Brăviceni Local Government, under the invented pretext of lack of funding, drew up 3 additional agreements to the construction contract, according to which they excluded volumes of works in the amount of over 5 million lei, and the volume of works remaining for execution was increased by approximately 3.6 million lei - actions that generated material damage in the amount of 6,373,713 lei.
Currently, the Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office together with the National Anti-corruption Centre are conducting searches to identify and document all persons involved in the aforementioned illegal actions and to hold them criminally liable.
We remind that any person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is rendered, and the investigations in this case continue.